
A filter is something that maintains a belief over the search space and updates it given new observations and vehicle locations.

Note that each filter maintains a belief, which is a questionable design decision. In reality, a belief is something separate, fed into a filter to be updated. However, the belief representation (discrete, Gaussian, etc) depends heavily on the filtering being applied. In short, it just seems easier to maintain a single filter type rather than worry about a separate belief.

Note that each filter has its own sensor, even though the vehicle also has a sensor. The filtering updates use the filter’s sensor, and the observations actually received come from the vehicle’s sensor. This distinction allows you to test the effect of unmodeled sensor noise. In this case, the vehicle’s sensor might have noise that is not accounted for in the filter’s model, which can affect localization.

Discrete Filter

The discrete filter type, DF, has the following fields

b::Matrix{Float64}      # the actual discrete belief
n::Int64                # number of cells per side
cell_size::Float64      # width of each cell, in meters
sensor<:Sensor          # sensor model used in filtering
obs_list                # list of observations

The matrix b is the probability distribution over possible target locations. The weight in a cell is the probability that the target is in that cell.

The obs_list field exists for greedy control based on mutual information. Computing mutual information requires integrating over possible observations. However, if you are using a different controller you can ignore this field.

The constructor for a discrete filter is

DF(m::SearchDomain, n::Int, s::Sensor, obs_list=0:0)

where n is the number of cells per side.

Particle Filter

The particle filter is based on ParticleFilters.jl. Its constructor is

PF(m::Model, n::Int, obs_list)

The Model type contains information that is used in the particle filter update. The type and constructors are

struct Model{V <: Vehicle, S <: Sensor, M <: MotionModel}
Model(x::Vehicle) = Model(x, x.sensor)
Model(x::Vehicle, s::Sensor) = Model(x, s, NoMotion())

Extended Kalman Fiter


Unscented Kalman Fiter


Gaussian Fiter

The GaussianFilter abstract type is a child of AbstractFilter and a parent of EKF and UKF. I’ve thought about calling this KalmanFilter instead, but that could be ambiguous—someone could think this refers to a specific KF, rather than an abstract type.

The GaussianFilter abstract type covers utilities that both EKF and UKF use. The most important of these is the Initializer abstract type. Each EKF and UKF instance contains an Initializer subtype that determines how the filter estimate should be initialized.

The default initializer is a NaiveInitializer sets the estimate to be the center of the search domain and uses a large initial covariance.

Another initializer is the LSInitializer, or least squares initializer. After taking min_obs_num observations, this initializer sets the mean to the point in the search domain yielding the smallest sum of least square differences between observed and expected observations. The code below shows how to initialize an instance of LSInitializer and modify some of its important fields:

lsi = LSInitializer(m::SearchDomain)
lsi.Sigma = 1e3*eye(2)
lsi.min_obs_num = 5

Custom Filters

The code below is a template for creating your own filter type. You must extend the AbstractFilter type and implement the following functions.

type CustomFilter <: AbstractFilter

function update!(f::CustomFilter, p::Pose, o::Float64)
    # update the belief in the filter.

function centroid(f::CustomFilter)
    # return the centroid of the filter's belief

function entropy(f::CustomFilter)
    # return the entropy of the filter's belief

function reset!(f::CustomFilter)
    # reset the filter to a uniform prior